Every day, huge amounts of soil are removed for renovation and construction projects and driven for many kilometers by trucks to be disposed. The heavy traffic of truckloads of soil is has a very negative carbon footprint and creates unnecessary congestion in the cities. Now the unnecessary driving is challenged by a new innovative solution.
In an Innobooster project, Kølkær Entrepreneur A / S starts the development of a remote-controlled and self-propelled soil stabilization machine – a tracked vehicle that stabilizes and ensures environmentally friendly recycling of soil on site.
Unlike today’s soil stabilization technologies, which are only effective on larger, flat areas such as highways, the belt machine is specially designed to work on uneven surfaces.Today, the work of soil stabilization on uneven surfaces involves trucks driving the excavated soil out for disposal. Next, sand is transported back to the site to compensate for the removed soil.
The heavy truck driving with soil and sand strains the climate and creates unnecessary traffic in the cities.