Innovation Fund Denmark

Innovation Fund Denmark
HHC Medical receives Innobooster grant from Innovation Fund Denmark for the development of ground-breaking non-invasive electroporation for better delivery of medicines.
HHC Medical was established in 2019. The three founders are: Niels Jerichau Clausen, CEO and Ph.D. in theoretical electromagnetism from DTU; Carl Frederik Haugaard, MSc in Medicine and Alexander Viterbo-Horten, MSc in Engineering management from DTU.
With the recently acquired grant from Innovation Fund Denmark, HHC wants to develop a new technology based on electroporation for targeted and non-invasive delivery of medicines.
Electroporation is a technique where short electrical pulses are used to penetrate the cell membrane. The technique creates small temporary holes in the cell membrane, which enables the desired molecules to enter the cell. This makes it possible to increase the absorption of the drug in the cells.
HHC Medical received their first Innobooster in 2020 and an Innofounder Experienced in 2021. In September 2022, the young Health Tech startup also became part of the Bio Innovation Institute’s Venture Lab, with an investment from BII of 4 million DKK.