This InnoBooster project targets the first market for a Danish patented seawater desalination technology. Access to clean water is a global challenge and 97.5 percent of the world’s water resources are saline.
CowaTech ApS was established in 2018 as a spin-out from the University of Copenhagen. We have succeeded in developing a state-of-the-art technology for desalinating seawater, which can be cheaper and more environmentally and energy efficient than existing solutions. Today, CowaTech is able to remove 99.6 percent of the salt content in laboratory water.
The dominant technology in the seawater desalination market today is reverse osmosis (OS). The OS is carried out by pressing seawater through membranes with a severe pressure in an energy-intensive process.
CowaTech technology works by adding two chemical substances to saline. One substance activates the other to capture polar substances such as salt (NaCl) that can then precipitate and drinking water is created. The two chemical substances can be regenerated after use and reused for a new round of desalination.
CowaTech is meeting interest from companies that see economic and environmental perspectives in better purification of water for both industrial use and for drinking water.
The project supports UN World Goal # 6 on increased access to clean and affordable drinking water.